VIDEO: How it’s made … Lush Bath Bombs

Lush bath bombs lure me with their smell into their store. It’s a pleasure just buying them, later smelling them while opening the drawer with laundry, and finally letting them to be used. Probably everyone who pampers themselves with lush bombs experience that, but for me the walk trough the lush factory really opened my eyes and I look on cult baths completely differently.
When the bath bomb sinks into a tub full of water, its story is almost finished, but it seems for us users it only begins. The smell, which fills the entire bathroom, the water that changes color and the ingredients that soothe the skin … this is just the grand finale of the Lush bomb. As I walked through the Lush Factory near Zagreb recently I was able to find out where the pleasure that enchants comes from.
Lush products are made from fresh ingredients, that’s why you see boxes upon boxes of fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc. The more exotic ingredients, the ones that are not grown here, are being enjoyed by the whole world and are really hard to get (for example lotus). That’s why the products are fresh as well as effective and fragrant.
Bath bombs are mainly consist of baking soda, corn starch, nourishing oils and essential fragrances.
The mass for bombs are made by two cute boys. They shake the ingredients into a gigantic mixer which mixes them in 15 min into a fairly dry bath “flour“.
Bombs are then hand shaped by multiple employees. While I visited I counted thirty and the work comes in two shifts.
They shape some bath bombs, with the work being assigned. Somebody fills the inner part of the bomb while the other makes the outside. In both cases you have to be quite crafty, so that you can make a ball out of the molds. Us bloggers tried to make quite a few bombs that would meet their standards, but sadly we didn‘t achieve that.
The molds that make the shapes of bath balls are also made by them from recycled plastic. Molds are made for multiple usages, but they try to make the use out of the served ones.
Instead of uniforms, the employees wear Lush shirts, which have the slogans about Lushes efforts to conserve nature and animals.
This philosophy, the love of the earth and all living beings is also passed on to employees. One of the Slovenes, who is employed there (the factory is near the border with Slovenia), told me that she is extremely happy to work in a good collective and atmosphere.

Unusual shapes, tempting smells, nourishing ingredients, fun names … and above all that, a lot of manual work and love for nature, animals and humans are hidden in the Lush bath sphere, so I will now use it with greater respect and pleasure.
What’s your attitude to Lushe’s bath bombs? Tell me with which you are most pampered. Thank you.
⇒ ♥ Also, how I started making the bath itself.
Shine bright,
*Photos: Nika Veger for Beautyfullblog
**Thank you Lush for the opportunity of seeing new parts in the beauty industry.
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