How to … trim men’s eyebrows

”You must be kidding me?!”, Peter responded defensively, when I suggested to him for the first time to trim his eyebrows. It’s not that I don’t like them … . and they suit him, because they are slightly cluttered, rebellious and far from being perfect. I also admit, however, that they would look better without the “Harry hair”.
‘Harry hair’ … is how Pero affectionately named his first hair that was growing out of his eyebrows much stronger, harder and longer. “Are you saying that this is the first sign of aging? No kidding me. And you want to pluck it out? No way!”
Eventually, stronger and stronger hairs joined ‘Harry hair’, which is an expected step in a man’s aging process, because men’s eyebrows blossom unattractively and lighten over the years. That is why eyebrow trimming can create a quick way to a younger and more orderly appearance. I do not mean a precise pruning that is more often practiced by women, where we have done little science and big earnings. It is about a masculine trimming, where we separate mono-brow into two independent units and tidy them just enough, so that they look neat and youthful.
As these ones.
You need: small scissors, an old mascara brush or small comb, tweezers.
- Cleanse your face and eyebrows.
- Comb your eyebrow hair upwards.
- Cut those that protrude over the upper line of the eyebrows.
- Comb your hair downwards and snip hair that looks over the bottom line of the eyebrows.
- Comb your eyebrows or sooth them in the direction of their natural lines and check the result. If the individual hairs are not growing down all around and if your two eyebrows are not linking into one eyebrow, your hairdressing is complete. Otherwise proceed as follows:
- Place the little finger (or pencil) to the left of the bridge of the nose and in line with the left inner corner of the eye. Pluck the hair that grows on the right side of the little finger.
- Repeat the same process on the right half of the face. Pluck the hair that grows on the left side of the little finger.
- Pluck the rest of the hair that grows wildly over the eyebrow, on temple or that engrosses towards the eye.
And finally:
1 Don’t pluck strong hairs that grow from the eyebrows. The myth that your hair will therefore grow stronger is in my opinion untrue. It will do so anyway, so plucking does not solve the problem, but only significantly dilutes the eyebrows (i.e. which gives a look of sickness).
2 Always pluck hair in the direction of their growth, in order to be less painful, to remove the whole hair and to prevent infection.
You can find several short movies on the internet showing the process of trimming men’s eyebrows (from super-complicated ones, which gay people would like especially, to super-simple ones in which you use a razor blade to shape your eye-brows). I highly recommend this one.
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