How to … make decorative flags without sewing

Colorful flags are fashionable, interesting, and can easily spice up your room, corner of the garden, birthday party… I’ve discovered really simple way of making them, for which you do not need a sewing kit.
You need:
- cotton, denim, canvas or any other not too soft fabrics. I used old colorful seat cover.
- scissors … I suggest the zigzag blade
- thicker cord or satin ribbon
- couplers
- pencil for cloth or chalk
- template (to produce it you need cardboard, a ruler and scissors for paper, but you can print template for flags Beautyfullblog)
- iron
- Print the template or draw an equilateral triangle of any size (mine has long sides 23 cm long, but shorter 2 x 7 cm)
- Place the template on the cloth (nicer is if ironed) and trim it with chalk. Then put triangle so that the longer sides are touching, in so doing, the top of one facing upwards, and again downwards. So you will save time and fabric cutting.
- Cut the flags. I suggest that with pinking shears to stop it unraveling the edge.
- When all the flags cut, you can play it by combining. Pare one colored with patterned.
- Fasten triangles on satin ribbon with stapler. If the ribbon is pretty, leave some space between flags visible.
- Tie the ribbon with flags to a desired location …
*Photos: Rožle Veger
** This article was published in September ‘issue of the online journal Savina Atai.
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