Super idea for the recycling of energy-saving lamps

As a disused energy saving light bulbs should not be thrown into the containers for glass or ordinary trash, because they contain 3-4 milligrams of mercury, I deposit them in the cellar to be transported to landfill for electronic appliances or hazardous waste at the end of the year. But this December I experienced enlightenment … before recycling (I’ll leave this to professionals) I can reuse them and make beautiful ornaments, angels fireflies.
You need
- waste lamp
- string on which angel will hang
- ribbon (I often use it from gift bags)
- feathers, hard + long and fluffy
- a piece of white cloth/ leather/ harder paper
- glue gun
- optionally wire and beads
Step by Step
- Glue harder and longer feathers on a piece of fabric (it can be in the form of wings) to create the appearance of wings. Cover the harder pieces of feather by gluing on soft fluffy feathers (or wool and other soft and fluffy materials).
- Put two beads on the wire. Wrap the ends so that balls can not slip from the wire. Fold it in the middle as if you want to create two legs. Glue the folded part to the underside of the wings.
- Tie strings end in to a big knot and glue it on the lamp’ neck. Cover the knot with the middle of a silk ribbon. Glue both ends of the silk ribbon around the bulb’s neck and tie a beautiful bow at the front of the lamp.
- Glue the wings on the last side of the bulb.
- Hang the angel fireflies on the Christmas Tree.
The disadvantage of saving light bulbs is that it contains a small amount of mercury. Therefore, if broken (that happens otherwise rare), we need to treat it like an ,old-school’ thermometer. Delo in Dom magazine recommends:
“In this case, cover your nose and mouth with a cloth and immediately open the windows. If an object breaks on a carpet, grasp the ends of the carpet, wrap it together and put it in a plastic bag and than in two other plastic bag. If the mercury droplets scatter the tiles, linoleum or elsewhere, they can be collected together with the card, stiffer paper or empty dropper. Place everything that came into contact with the mercury in a plastic bag and tie it firmly. In case of a broken bulb do not use brooms or brushes, as they could even more disperse the drops. Also do not use vacuum cleaner, because heated mercury will took a gas form and circulate around the room.”
Do you like these angels fireflies ? Can you create something else from the energy-saving bulbs? I’ll be glad, if you share this post with your environmentally conscious or creative friends. Thank you.
Shine bright,
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*Photography: Vstanem
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